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The Ultimate Resource for Content Marketers

The aim of this blog post is to keep you up to date with the various helpful resources there are out there on the internet for content marketers. This post will be updated every time I stumble upon something new and interesting, so my advice would be to bookmark it, share it, and keep checking back to see what's new!

The list is split into 4 sections. Imagery for content visuals, the Inspiration Station to help you come up with fresh ideas, the Research Centre that lists the best places to check your facts and finally the Quality Control list that helps you check over your piece.


Creative Commons - Creative Commons is a search engine that allows you to hunt for images that are free to use and share across the web.

Jing - Jing is a tool that allows you to screenshot as much or as little of your screen as you like. From there you can either share the image instantly or save it for repeated later use.

Infogram -This website allows you to create good looking simple info graphics with ease.

MorgueFile - MorgueFile offers you free imagery in the same way as Creative Commons.

Inspiration Station

Quora - Quora is becoming more and more popular among content writers as a resource for ideas and a place to post blogs.

LinkedIn - Whilst LinkedIn is for all intents and purposes a social media website, a quick click through their group directory can lead you to a great resource of content inspiration and in-depth details to relevant industries.

Reddit - Similarly to LinkedIn, Reddit has more to offer than it seems. At first glance the sharing based community appears dedicated to humour and news, but the search capability enables users to separate the wheat from the chaff and find out exactly what people are talking about in any area right this second.

Text2MindMap - Who needs paper nowadays when you can plan everything online? This tool allows you to mind map exactly how you want your piece of content to go.

Brain Traffic - Brain Traffic is a blog run by Kristina Halvorson, a leading authority on content strategy.

A.nnotate - This handy website offers the ability to leave yourself notes and highlight sections of text all across the web, storing them so you can see them every time you return to each website.

Research Centre

Dictionary.com - Aside from the obvious, this website also translates words, finds synonyms for them and allows you to look up quotes.

OneLook Dictionary - Another dictionary word tool that can be used as a referencing guide.

Problogger - Problogger is a great resource for learning how to blog and how to grow a successful blog.

Geohive - Geohive can provide you with global statistics on just about anything.

InfoPlease - An online almanac of resources.

Wikipedia - Use this website carefully, it’s run through contribution so isn’t always 100% reliable for facts. That being said, it does offer an excellent starting point for information.

Paper.li - This site enables you to build your own digital newspaper. This involves repurposing old resources as well as uploading your own and using other members info as a resource.

The Content Marketing Institute - This site aims to give you everything you could possibly need to get started or make improvements to your content ideas.

Quality Control

Plagspotter - This handy little site allows you to copy in any URL and it will scan the web to check whether that content has been used elsewhere.

Common Errors In English - A website for those awkward brain fart moments where you can’t remember exactly how a word is spelt.

Dropbox - This website is a brilliant place to store all of your content and your research.

Article Checker - This website is a brilliant tool for once you’ve completed your article. Simply paste your piece onto the site and it’ll scan the web to check for any copies! No plagiarism here.

Wordcounter - Not only will this website let you know how much you’ve written, but it will tell you if there are any words or phrases that you’re repeating. This can be particularly useful if you have a tendency to overuse words!